What is it?

Group Beta Strep (GBS), is a bacteria that can colonize the vagina, thus causing infections in babies during birth.

About 30% of women have GBS in their vaginas. Associated symptoms for women are unusual. In some cases, it may be detected in urine culture testing. A standard of care is to test for it at the end of pregnancy. If the result is positive, antibiotics are administered during labor. Antibiotics are also given if mom has ever had GBS in her urine or ever birthed a baby with GBS infection.

What’s the problem? 

When present in the uterus or the urinary tract during pregnancy, it can cause serious newborn infection, brain damage or death. Management of GBS in pregnancy can be complicated and expensive and may require office visits with medical care providers and/or hospital delivery.

What’s the goal?

The best scenario is that you test negative for GBS. The best way to keep your body free of GBS is to maintain good personal hygiene and to have a strong immune system. 


  • Sprinkle probiotic powder on a panty liner 1-3 times per week
  • Take a salt bath (1 1/2 c Epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt, 1/4 c baking soda) 2-5 times a week
  • Add a combination of lavender, geranium, tea tea oil and grapefruit seed extract to your baths. This combination is proven to eliminate bacterial infection.
  • Work up to taking 2 ounces of “mothered” apple cider vinegar daily. Dilute as needed.
  • Take a magnesium supplement daily
  • Take a zinc supplement daily (on a full stomach) 
  • Take 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 in MTC daily (spray, no artificial colors or ingredients). Women who are deficient in Vitamin D may need to take more than 5,000 iU
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drink 1/2 your weight in ounces of fluids every day.
  • Have a serving of yogurt, kefir, pickles, kim chi, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso or soy, daily
  • Eat sea vegetables or take a blue green algae supplement daily (Nori, kelp, spirulina)
  • Eat a fruit or vegetable high in Vit. C daily 
  • Take a camu-camu daily
  • Don't wear string underwear 
  • Don't wear underwear to bed
  • Don't wear synthetic underwear 
  • Don't shave or totally remove pubic hair- Especially after 30 weeks of pregnancy
  • Wear skirts a few times a week without underwear (let your vagina air out occasionally) 
  • Orgasm at least 3x per week
  • Have your partner wash their genitals prior to intercourse and keep any toys clean and dry
  • Don't let anything go from your anus to your vagina, cover anything going into your anus with a condom and always wipe front to back 
  • Eat a serving of greens daily 
  • Avoid white flour and white sugar 
  • Take a probiotic daily
  • Avoid toxic shampoos, conditioners, toothpastes, deodorants and other body products
  • Avoid toxic household cleaners
  • Avoid artificial fragrances in perfume, air fresheners, candles, dryer sheets, laundry soap
  • Get at least 15 minutes of outdoors time, daily
  • Get at least 150 minutes of exercise, weekly
  • Don't use tampons (outside of pregnancy, if you were wondering why this is on the list)